Episode 123: The Bluest Blurs

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Welcome back to another episode of Super Gamecast 64, jam-packed with the latest news and opinions on all things entertainment. In this episode, Matt, Kevin, and Tyler review the latest games to hit the shelves, discuss their most anticipated games of this year, and even break down their favorite blue characters in video games. With the Sonic the Hedgehog trailer out, there’s a bit of comedy to be had at SEGA’s expense as well.

You can listen to Super Gamecast 64 Episode 123 directly in your browser, on Apple Podcasts, or on any of your favorite podcast apps!

Super Gamecast 64 Episode 123 the Bluest Blurs

Show Notes


-Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer discussion and our favorite blue characters in gaming


-Indie title A Dark Room removed off of Nintendo Switch eShop due to hidden code compiler

-Recent departures from Bungie include lead developers


Dreams Early Access

Dead or Alive 6

Yoshi’s Crafted World

Mortal Kombat 11

Driving Essentials

Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Joker DLC

-Days Gone

New Game Plus (Free Games with Gold)


Golf Club 2019 featuring the PGA Tour

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

Comic Jumper

Be sure to leave a comment below with your answer to Episode 123’s listener question: what was the first game you finished and/or completed 100%? We’ll read out your answers on Episode 124!


Written by
I’m a lifelong gamer and an overall media junkie. I also watch an unhealthy amount of movies and try to spread as much love into the world as I can. Hope you enjoyed the content!

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